Overflow error in map sketches with line length > 255

Overflow error in map sketches with line length > 255

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Sun Sep 22 06:03:06 2024   by   Mizuki
./planet -M -o p.bmp < 1.txt

1.txt: 128 x @, 127 x . (total 255 characters)
Result: https://i.postimg.cc/52Kc7kwm/p.png

1.txt: 128 x @, 128 x . (total 256 characters)
Result: https://i.postimg.cc/wMpnRKp9/p1.png
Sun Sep 22 06:19:37 2024   by   Mizuki
Line 1009:
    scanf("%255[\n]\n",cs); /* read line */

I believe that 255 is the issue...changing it to 1000 (in line with cs[1000]) solves it
Sun Sep 22 07:59:06 2024   by   Mizuki
Line 1009:
    scanf("%255[\n]\n",cs); /* read line */

I believe that 255 is the issue...changing it to 1000 (in line with cs[1000]) solves it
Mon Sep 23 10:17:59 2024   by   Torben
That is, indeed, probably the issue.  I didn't consider map sketches that large.
I'm rather busy this week, but I will update the files next week.
Mon Sep 23 14:36:11 2024   by   Mizuki
Actually I'd probably switch that scanf 1000 to 999, as there's also a newline character - 1000 characters + 1 newline might overflow cs[1000]

Also, the program can't seem to detect actual overflows, even when I tried to put a "if (Width > 1000) errors" condition.
I wrote a printf line right before the Width checking condition to print the value of Width - result:
line length: 1000
result of printf:

line length: 1001
(an actual newline)

line length: 2004

it seems like the sscanf checks not only for 1000 characters, but also a newline  (the \\r at the end) which results in some kind of "cap" for the value of Width even when an overflow occurs.

Also, giving an empty file as sketch produce corrupted nonsense input. (""P" is not a valid character" as output - probably random character sequence)
Tue Sep 24 10:01:43 2024   by   Torben
Sigh.  I will look into it.

The program was never intended as a robust industrial-strength application, so there are doubtlessly many such issues still.

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