planet's argument check only checks for first letter

planet's argument check only checks for first letter

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Tue Apr 30 06:22:19 2024   by   Mizuki
From the source code, it seems the argument checking code only checks for first letter.
And sure enough, this command is valid and output the same result as -w and -h, because the argument starts with w (width) and h (height):
planet -whattheheck 1000 -heckthewhat 500 -o 1.bmp
Tue Apr 30 09:38:16 2024   by   Torben
Yes, that is correct. More sensible would be, for example

planet -pMollweide -grid 30 -Grid 30 -long 30 -Lat 30 -width 1000 -height 500 -out 1.bmp -seed 0.123
Tue Apr 30 11:30:18 2024   by   Mizuki
That's intended behavior? I kind of think that would make the "unknown option" code kind of unused, because there's not that many letter of the alphabet left unused, so most typos wouldn't be caught...

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