Option for regular grid?

Option for regular grid?

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Thu Jun 19 06:36:28 2014   by   Con
I'm using maps from the generator as regional island maps rather than world maps, so mercator projection works great. However, I can't get a regular grid this way. If there was an option to do this it would be great! (Also, I'm not sure if it's my computer but the "White" Color map isn't loading)
Thu Jun 19 06:41:44 2014   by   Con
Oops, just realized I had contour lines off. Never mind
Thu Jun 19 09:02:37 2014   by   Torben
If you want a regular grid, you should use the square projection.  This maps longitudes and latitudes to equidistant lines.  The distortion can be bad far away from the equator, though.  If you want a square grid on a mercator projection, I suggest you add the grid afterwards using a bitmap editor such as Gimp.

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