Rolling d10, exploding on 10, custom keep

Rolling d10, exploding on 10, custom keep

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Thu Dec 16 03:56:41 2021   by   MaRiTg
Hi, I've been currently messing with this tool and I am trying to achive the followin:
-I want the d10 dice to explode when you get a 10 an add that number to the 10 value;
-I want to be able to keep a custom amount of results
-I want to only keep the highest result

I tried with this but it didn't work:
\ Exploding N d10 holding #

N:=3; \ Change N to alter the number of dice rolled
\ Change number after "largest" to alter number of dice held

sum largest 2 N#(sum accumulate x:=d10 while x=10)
Thu Dec 16 12:29:27 2021   by   Torben
It's not clear if all three bullet points should be applied simultaneously.  The two last ones seem to contradict each other.  And by keeping a custom amount of results, what are the criteria for which to keep and which to discard?  Can you show some detailed examples of what you want to achieve?
Thu Dec 16 13:51:56 2021   by   MaRiTg
All the points should apply simultaneously. And in the second point I made a typo and meant to say to "Keep a custom amount of DICE".

Let's say I roll 3 dice (in which the 10 explodes) an the results of dice are:
5 - 10+3 (becouse the 10 exploded) - 7
I want to only select the two highest dice: the 13 and 7
Fri Dec 17 10:43:48 2021   by   Torben
As far as I understand your description, the following should work:

M:=2 \ number of dice to keep
N:=3 \ number of dice to roll
largest M N#(sum accumulate x:=d10 while x=10)

The code inside the parentheses explodes each die, the N# makes N of those, and the largest M selects the M largest of these -- but doesn't add them, as the code you cited does.
Fri Dec 17 17:41:55 2021   by   MaRiTg
Sorry to bother, but I am getting this error:
Parse-error at line 1, column 4
Sat Dec 18 17:30:41 2021   by   Torben
Sorry, the two first assignments should be terminated by semicolon.

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