Source Code?

Source Code?

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Sun May 20 03:05:15 2018   by   Greg
Hey, is the source code available at all for this project? I'm interested in trying to optimise it for OpenCL.

Love the software nonetheless.
Mon May 21 08:50:13 2018   by   Torben
The code for Troll is available at

Thr code for the planet generator is available at
Mon May 21 12:30:51 2018   by   Greg
Legend, Cheers Torben!
Thu Jul 26 02:23:32 2018   by   Rob
Hiya Torben, it seems that the link to the source code you put up is down. Is it possible for you to reupload it perhaps? Thanks in advance!
Thu Jul 26 10:20:24 2018   by   Torben
My department changed the location of some pages, so some of the links did not work.  I have changed the links in old posts etc. so they should work now.  If not, please say so.
Thu Apr 29 22:11:58 2021   by   Riviera71
Hi Torben!
I love your planet generator source code.
But latest planet.c is binary and not usable. Can you share new planet.c please?  Thanks in advance!
Mon May 3 13:57:39 2021   by   Torben
I'm not sure what you mean.  If you download the zip file at, the file planet.c is definitely C source code.
Thu May 6 18:27:27 2021   by   Riviera71
All is ok now. I do not know why the first time I downloaded I had the Planet.c file in binary, maybe a bad decompression. Thanks, best regards.

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