seed for earth?

seed for earth?

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Mon Jun 28 13:23:42 2021   by   denki dama
uhhh can i have earth seeed pls i dont have pc
Mon Jun 28 13:24:19 2021   by   denki dama
pls i need seed rfor earth
Mon Jun 28 17:18:34 2021   by   Torben
You can not get an Earth map from any seed.  At best, you can get something with similar overall structure. You can get closer if you use the offline program, which allows you to read in a rough sketch of a map and generate something similar.  There is in the zip file a sketch called which you can use.  But even using this feature, you will only get a rough approximation.
Fri Nov 29 17:21:55 2024   by   Ostrue
Hi, I am trying to create a map for an alternate Australia. Any suggestions on how best to go about it? I suppose there is no seed for the Australian continent, but are there any that get close?
Mon Dec 2 11:02:20 2024   by   Torben
As said earlier, the offline version allows an ASCII sketch to be used as input.  The file is very low resolution, but you can make a higher resolution sketch where you focus on the area around Australia.  After that, you just need to try a lot of seeds until you find something you like.

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