segfault when specifying empty seed after outfile

segfault when specifying empty seed after outfile

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Thu Jul 18 06:29:06 2024   by   Mizuki
'planet -s 0.1 -s -o 1.bmp' correctly points out there is no seed and print out help - since latter options override former ones.
However, 'planet -s 0.1 -o 1.bmp -s' immediately segfaulted.
Thu Jul 18 07:36:08 2024   by   Mizuki
Actually the bug seems a little more simple than that - specifying an empty option after an outfile will result in segfault. So 'planet -o 1.bmp -C', 'planet -o 1.bmp -w', etc
While putting them before the outfile correctly prints out help.

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