Bumpmap in background

Bumpmap in background

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Fri Mar 4 02:28:05 2016   by   Chris Gagne
Is there a way to extend the bumpmap setting into the background?  I've been using -B -pq -C yellow.col or similar to make nice looking parchment maps at high resolution, but I'd like to use the Mollweide projection instead.  I could set the background color the same as the main color on the map, but the shading doesn't extend into the background.
Fri Mar 4 09:22:43 2016   by   Torben
At the moment, no.  The bumpmap is generated from the altitude differences on the map, and there are none on the background.  What you could do, is generate a a rectangular map with bumpmap and then paste the elliptical Mollweide map on top of this using Photoshop or Gimp.
Fri Mar 4 21:40:04 2016   by   Chris Gagne
That'll actually be just what I need; thanks.

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