24th-26th Feb 2016
Lisbon, PortugalWG/MC Meeting
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> Agenda
> Venue
> Travel
> Accommodation
> Dinner
Wednesday - 24th February
10:00 - 11:00 Welcome and Announcements11:00 - 11:30 coffee break
11:30 - 13:00 WG 1: Talks by WG1 Members
- Jaroslaw Miszczak:
Applications of quantum walks - Gabriel Ciobanu:Reversibility in Intensive Parallel Systems
- Lukasz Mikulski:
Reversible Computation vs. Reversibility in Petri Nets
13:00 - 14:15 lunch
14:15 - 16:00 MC meeting
16:00 - 16:30 coffee break
16:30 - 18:00 WG 1: Talks by WG1 Members; Discussion on SOAR
- Adrian Palacios:
Reversible Term Rewriting: Foundations and applications - Mohammad Reza Mousavi:
Title to be confirmed - Vasileios Koutavas:
Programming Language Abstractions for Reversible Computation - Tatjana Kapus:
Specifying reversible computations in a state-based setting
Thursday - 25th February
09:00 - 11:00 WG 3: Talks by WG3 Members (20min each)- Pawel Kerntopf:
Constructing Infinite Sequences of Gate Minimal Reversible Circuits - Mathias Soeken:
Recent Developments in Symbolic Reversible Logic Synthesis - Claudio Moraga:
Evolutionary Design of Reversible Circuits. - Milena & Radomir Stankovic:
Remarks on Reversible Circuit Synthesis from Decision Diagrams - Robert Wille:
Open Issues in the Design of Reverisble Circuits Using Hardware Description Languages
11:30 - 13:00 WG 3: Discussions, Planning, and Brainstorming
- Discussion about the State-of-the-Art Reports/Publication List
- Discussion on Future Activities
- Reflection on the ideas discussed at the first meeting
- Future Plans
- Further Business
14:15 - 16:00 WG 2: Talks by WG2 Members (30min each)
- Vasileios Koutavas:
Communicating Transactions: an Abstraction for Optimistic Concurrency - Ulrik Schultz:
A preliminary investigation of object-orientation in reversible computing
16:30 - 18:00 WG 4:
- Ulrik Schultz:
Overview of submitted use cases and the WG4 goal for the first year - Collaborative development of use cases in groups (everyone)
20:00 - Meeting dinner
Friday - 26th February
09:00 - 11:00 WG 211:00 - 11:30 coffee break
11:30 - 13:00 possibly WG 1
13:00 - 14:15 lunch
14:15 - 16:00 WG 4:
- Ulrik Schultz:
Status and overview of remaining work - Collaborative development of use cases in groups (everyone, continued)
- Ulrik Schultz:
Towards a final set of use cases
16:00 - 16:30 coffee break
16:30 - 18:00 Closing (or WG4, if needed
> Go up
The meeting will be held in the Campus of Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, near Caparica beach on the South of Lisbon.

(click to enlarge)
The precise location of the meeting venue (Building 4)
and other relevant locations can be consulted
in the following google map:
A map of the campus (including the building in which the meeting takes place) is available in this pdf-file.
> Go upHow to go to the meeting venue
From Lisbon
- Entrecampos area (detailed travel info:
- Walk to the train station "Entrecampos";
- Get the train (Fertagus) from "Entrecampos" station to "Pragal" station. Takes about 15 minutes and costs 1.7€ for a single ticket. More information at http://www.fertagus.pt (select English at the left bottom of the page);
- At "Pragal" station you must get the tram to "Universidade", last station. Takes about 7 minutes and costs 0.85€. You can get more information at http://www.mts.pt (information is in Portuguese only).
- Sete Rios area (detailed travel info:
- Walk to the train station "Sete Rios";
- Catch the train (Fertagus) from "Sete Rios" station to "Pragal" station. Takes about 11 minutes and costs 1.7€ for a single ticket. More information at http://www.fertagus.pt (select English at the left bottom of the page);
- At "Pragal" station you must get the tram to "Universidade", last station. Takes about 7 minutes and costs 0.85€. You can get more information at http://www.mts.pt (information is in Portuguese only).
From Almada (Hotel Mercure Lisboa Almada)
- Walk to the tram station "Ramalha" (4 minutes);
- At "Ramalha" station you must get the tram to "Universidade", last station. Takes about 10 minutes and costs 0.85€.
From Lisbon Airport
- Using public transportation - Metro
- There is metro train station at the airport (red line). There are interchanges with the train (Fertagos) at "Entrecampos" station (yellow line) and at "Sete Rios"(blue line);
- From these stations just follow the instructions (also described above):
- Catch the train (Fertagus) to "Pragal" station;
- At "Pragal" station you must get the tram to "Universidade", last station.
- Using public transportation - Bus
(detailed info https://citymapper.com/trip/T3rqpvz)
- There is a bus (Carris nr 744) that takes passengers to Lisbon downtown. This bus stops at train station "Entrecampos";
- Get the train (Fertagus) from "Entrecampos" station to "Pragal" station;
- At "Pragal" station you must get the tram to "Universidade", last station.
- By Taxi
- There are always plenty of taxis at the Arrivals and Departures Halls. All the taxis have meters, a ride to FCT/UNL costs approximately 30€, depending on the traffic. During weekends, nights, and holidays there is a 20% surcharge.
In Lisbon the recommended hotels are near Entrecampos and Sete Rios train stations. There is a recommended hotel in Almada (South of Lisbon) closer to the University campus. Another possibility is the University Residence Halls, but bear in mind that there are no restaurants nearby. Not included here are the hotels by Caparica beach, because public transportation is sparse so you would have to take a taxi (around 7€).
- Sana Reno Hotel: http://www.reno.sanahotels.com/en
- Sana Lisboa Hotel: http://www.lisboa.sanahotels.com/en
- Sana Capitol Hotel: http://www.capitol.sanahotels.com/en
- Hotel 3K Europa: http://www.hotel3keuropa.pt/en/
- Mercure Lisboa Hotel: http://www.mercure.com/gb/hotel-3346-mercure-lisboa-hotel/index.shtml
- Mercure Lisboa Almada: http://www.mercure.com/gb/hotel-A040-mercure-lisboa-almada/index.shtml
- Frausto da Silva Residence Halls: http://sas.unl.pt/alojamento/rfs/frausto-da-silva-halls-of-residence
On February 25th, a dinner is provided: The dinner will take place at the the restaurant Lagar do Cais. Please see the following google map for details on the location:

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Management Committee Vice Chair

STSM Coordinator

ITC Conference Grant Coordinator

COST Action Equality Chair

COST Science Officer

COST Action Website Chair