Something happening I don't understand

Something happening I don't understand

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Tue Jun 10 01:33:22 2014   by   Foxiekins
I may be breaking Troll, but I was trying to use it to guage success probability of a roll versus a difficulty roll.  Difficulty rolls are a number of dice ranging from zero to 5, which is a z5, of course.  Ability rolls range from d2 up.  I was using "if d2 > z5 then choose(1) else choose(0)" to force the results into two categories, success and fail.  There may be a better way to do this, but I couldn't figure one out.  My first test gave a 25% chance of success, which I expected, but when I changed d2 > z5 to d2 > 2z5, instead of the chance of success going down, it went up.  I figure I must be misunderstanding something, but I am at a loss as to what.
Tue Jun 10 08:57:28 2014   by   Torben
Your idea is fine, though you can shorten choose(1) to 1 and choose(0) to 0.  What goes wrong in the second case is that 2z5 means two individual z5s rather than the sum of the two.  So the condition d2 > 2z5 is true if the d2 is greater than any of the two z5s.  To get what you want, you should write if d2 > sum 2z5 then 1 else 0.
Wed Jun 11 07:49:27 2014   by   Foxiekins
Ah, that was the bit I didn't understand...  sum 2z5 instead of 2z5...  Thanks...
Mon Jun 16 05:06:12 2014   by   Foxiekins
Ran into a bit more of a snag.  If I understand correctly, d12+d10 should be a single value, like the roll of one die.  But, when I have d12+d10 on one side of the condition, I get the error "Distribution error: Singleton expected at line 1, column 6."  When I try sum (d12,d10), I get the error "Parse-error at line 1, column 11."  And when I try sum (d12 U d10), I get the error "Distribution error: Non-singleton used with > at line 1, column 19."  I am at a loss for how to have more than one die in place of the d2 in the original comparison.
Mon Jun 16 09:43:51 2014   by   Torben
Try writing (d12+d10) instead.  You have probably run into a peculiarity of Troll: Comparison operators bind stronger than arithmetic so, for example, d6 < d8 + d10 reads as (d6 < d8) + d10, which gives an error if the result on the d6 is not smaller than the result of the d8 (and, in any case, is probably not what you meant),

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