Count every x as y (e.g. no lower than 2 on d10)

Count every x as y (e.g. no lower than 2 on d10)

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Wed Jun 26 22:05:09 2019   by   Helge
I am trying to simulate a bonus on a roll that counts e.g. a one as a two. However, whatever I tried so far did not bring me closer to success. Anyone care to point me in the right direction?

Thanks! :-)
Thu Jun 27 18:48:37 2019   by   Torben
You can do it like this:

sum 2#(x:= d10; if x=1 then 2 else x)

or like this:

sum 2#choose {2,2..10}

or this:

sum 2#(max {2,d10})

and many more ways.
Fri Jun 28 11:22:02 2019   by   Helge
Thanks Torben

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