Star Wars D6

Star Wars D6

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Mon Apr 27 23:29:57 2015   by   Rebel Scum
I was surprised not to see this mentioned on your site or under the list of frequently used die rolls; so if it is already somewhere else my apologies.

In the Star Wars (D6) system, the main mechanic is as follow:
You roll X number of 6 sided dice and sum them, one of those dice is predesignated the "wild" die. If that die rolls a six you re-roll it (after adding the 6). The wild die can explode an infinite amount of times, adding 6 each time. If the wild die rolls a 1 then you do not add that 1 to the die pool sum; and you ALSO do not add the highest die of the remaining pool of dice either (failing on the wild die cancels your highest non-wild die roll) Is there a simple expression that will handle the highs and lows of the wild die for a pool of X dice? (1 die pool is only the wild die) I havent been able to get it working
Mon Apr 27 23:50:05 2015   by   Rebel Scum
I was surprised not to see this mentioned on your site or under the list of frequently used die rolls; so if it is already somewhere else my apologies.

In the Star Wars (D6) system, the main mechanic is as follow:
You roll X number of 6 sided dice and sum them, one of those dice is predesignated the "wild" die. If that die rolls a six you re-roll it (after adding the 6). The wild die can explode an infinite amount of times, adding 6 each time. If the wild die rolls a 1 then you do not add that 1 to the die pool sum; and you ALSO do not add the highest die of the remaining pool of dice either (failing on the wild die cancels your highest non-wild die roll) Is there a simple expression that will handle the highs and lows of the wild die for a pool of X dice? (1 die pool is only the wild die) I havent been able to get it working
Tue Apr 28 09:47:41 2015   by   Torben
Giving the complexity of the mechanism, it is not a trivially simple expression in Troll.  But you can do it like this:

pool := 3d6; \ change for different pool size
wild := sum accumulate x := d6 while x=6;

if wild = 1 then (sum pool) - (max pool)
else (sum pool) + wild

It should be fairly easy to see what happens above.

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