Recovering a seed?

Recovering a seed?

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Fri Jun 20 01:20:24 2014   by   RGT
So, after some messing around I finally got the offline version to work...
(ITS SO SIMPLE, just type 'cd' in the cmd console and paste the directory of the generator, and then simply paste a line with all the options you want from the manual!)

So, about my question... :P
A while back, I generated a world I really like and am currently using as a planet of my galaxy, however, stupid me forgot to save the seed (after all, I have exported all the maps I needed from the online version) so now I really want to upgrade the map from its current 1000x500 to a 16kx8k resolution.
HOWEVER, I dont have the seed, only the map proper...

I know its a farshot, but maybe there IS a way to recover it using the map or something? (If not, well, guess I will roll some worlds until I found a nice one.)
Thanks for any reply. :D
Fri Jun 20 11:57:58 2014   by   Torben
I'm afraid there is no way to recover a seed from the pictures.
Fri Jun 20 23:37:11 2014   by   RGT
Oh well, it was worth asking, just in case.

Better sttart rolling some worlds until I hit a nice continental one. :P

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