Why the white space?

Why the white space?

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Sun Jul 31 23:29:20 2016   by   jcw3
So, I keep having this issue where I spawn a map with the seed (11218963, but it happens with other maps). I'm going for 850 W, 625 H, with Square projection. Please help me.
Sun Jul 31 23:30:04 2016   by   jcw3
For some reason, I forgot to mention this in the message proper. Whenever I spawn a map, it shows a massive white space and 'forgets' to increase the size.
Mon Aug 1 15:13:14 2016   by   Torben
With the square projection, a full planet map is twice as wide as it is high.  At no magnification, the map is scaled so the equator fits the width of the map, so if your width is less than twice the height, there will be blank areas above and below the map.  Other projections have different aspect ratios.  For example, the Mercator projection has infinite height, so there will be no blank space.

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