Feature request

Feature request

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Fri Jan 18 16:32:49 2019   by   Erik
This seems like a good tool for rolling attribute stats without anyone cheating/rerolling.

But I would like to suggest a feature to be added, send the troll-code with the roll email. Currently, the email displays only the result, so a player could theoretically cheat by using:

`min {18, sum 4d6 - 1}` (or `18`) instead of `largest sum 4d6`.
Mon Jan 21 10:14:27 2019   by   Torben
Yes, that sounds like a good idea.  I will add thius when I get time.
Mon Oct 12 15:19:13 2020   by   Torben
I have now added the Troll code to the mail and added possibility for multiple recipients, separated by comma, space, or semicolon.  Still only allows x@y.z and not Real Name <x@y.z>.

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