I can't run the progam

I can't run the progam

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Sat Aug 6 07:36:34 2016   by   Salvadorff
Hello, I'm seeking for a maps generator and the online version of this one liked me a lot, but I tried to run the exe and the zip version and nothing happened.

In the zip version, a cmd window opens and generates infinites numbers.
In the exe version it closes when I open the exe file.

I have win7 64bits.
Sat Aug 6 07:37:03 2016   by   Salvadorff
Hello, I'm seeking for a maps generator and the online version of this one liked me a lot, but I tried to run the exe and the zip version and nothing happened.

In the zip version, a cmd window opens and generates infinites numbers.
In the exe version it closes when I open the exe file.

I have win7 64bits.
Sat Aug 6 07:37:20 2016   by   Salvadorff
Hello, I'm seeking for a maps generator and the online version of this one liked me a lot, but I tried to run the exe and the zip version and nothing happened.

In the zip version, a cmd window opens and generates infinites numbers.
In the exe version it closes when I open the exe file.

I have win7 64bits.
Sat Aug 6 07:49:39 2016   by   Salvadorff
Sorry for posting many times, its a bit confusing
Sat Aug 6 15:31:57 2016   by   Ron Vantreese
This one here has a friendly interface...


Or if you want to run the planet.exe, open a Command Window and run it from there.
Mon Aug 8 09:57:48 2016   by   Torben
You must specify an output file on the command line, otherwise the program streams the output to the terminal window (so you can pipe it to other programs).  See the manual for explanation and examples.

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